Nutritive Masque

$ 40


The Mosche Nutritive Masque 500ml is a liquid haircare product that deeply nourishes and hydrates hair, leaving it healthy and shiny. This regular edition masque is designed to provide a paraben-free formula for those looking for a safe and effective haircare solution.

  • Alcohol- and Aerosol-free: The Mosche Nutritive Masque contains neither alcohol nor aerosol, making it safe to use regularly without damaging your hair.
  • Net weight: Each pack of this masque contains 500g of the liquid formula that can last you months.
  • Pack type: This product is available as a single item pack type that makes it easy to use at home or carry with you on your travels.

The Mosche Nutritive Masque has been formulated in Europe with the aim of providing long-lasting results. With its shelf life of 12 months, this masque can be used throughout the year without worrying about its effectiveness. Its nutritive formula penetrates deep into the roots of your hair strands to provide hydration benefits that leave your locks feeling soft, smooth, and manageable.

  • Benefits: The key benefits this product offers include hydrating properties which help restore moisture balance in dry or damaged locks leaving them feeling nourished

To sum up, if you are looking for an effective way to restore moisture balance in dry or damaged locks while avoiding harmful chemicals like parabens then give Mosche Nutritive Masques regular edition a try today!


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Nutritive Masque


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